Naturally defend your skin from insects

Naturally defend your skin from insects

As we head into the warmer months, Australians know all too well the dreaded mozzie season is about to begin. Whether you’re relaxing by the BBQ, camping in the bush, or enjoying a sunset walk on the beach, there’s one thing that can quickly ruin your plans: mosquitoes. Protecting yourself and your family from pesky insects is essential, but it’s also important to consider how your choice of insect repellent can affect your skin.

Many traditional insect repellents contain chemicals like DEET, which have been widely used for years. However, natural insect repellents offer a safer, more skin-friendly alternative. Here's why making the switch to a natural repellent can be better for you and your loved ones this mozzie season.

The problem with DEET

DEET (diethyltoluamide) is one of the most common active ingredients in insect repellents, known for its effectiveness in keeping mosquitoes and other biting insects at bay. However, it comes with some serious drawbacks, especially when it comes to skin health.

  • Skin irritation: One of the most common complaints about DEET-based products is that they can cause skin irritation, particularly for people with sensitive skin. Prolonged use can lead to redness, rashes, and even chemical burns in some cases.
  • Chemical absorption: DEET is absorbed through the skin and can potentially enter the bloodstream. While short-term exposure is considered safe in small doses, concerns have been raised about the long-term effects of frequent use, especially in children.
  • Environmental impact: DEET isn’t just harsh on your skin—it can also negatively impact the environment. When washed off in the shower or while swimming, DEET can find its way into water systems, affecting aquatic life.

With these risks in mind, it’s no wonder more people are turning to natural alternatives that are gentler on the skin and better for the environment.

Benefits of natural insect repellents

Natural insect repellents are made using plant-based ingredients that are both effective and skin-friendly. Some of the most popular ingredients include essential oils like eucalyptus citriodora, lavender, geranium, cedarwood, and citronella. Here’s why they’re a great choice for the upcoming mozzie season:

  • Gentle on skin: Natural insect repellents are less likely to cause irritation, even for those with sensitive skin. Ingredients like essential oils have soothing properties, meaning you can protect yourself from insects without sacrificing your skin’s comfort.
  • Non-toxic: Unlike chemical-based repellents, natural alternatives don’t pose the same risks of absorption into the bloodstream. This makes them a safer option for children and people with compromised immune systems.
  • Pleasant scent: DEET-based repellents often come with a strong, unpleasant odour. In contrast, natural repellents often feature refreshing, calming scents, making your time outdoors more enjoyable.
  • Eco-friendly: Natural insect repellents are biodegradable and much kinder to the environment. Using plant-based ingredients means you can protect your skin and the planet at the same time.

Be prepared for the mozzie season

Australia’s mozzie season is fast approaching, and it’s essential to be prepared. Warmer weather combined with the country’s wet season creates the perfect breeding conditions for mosquitoes. These insects aren’t just a nuisance; they can also carry diseases like Ross River virus and dengue fever.

Having a natural insect repellent on hand will allow you to enjoy the outdoors without worrying about chemical exposure or skin irritation. 

At Skin Botanist, we’ve developed a natural insect repellent made with 100% plant-based ingredients. Our formula is oil-based and gentle on skin while offering powerful protection against mozzies and other biting insects, perfect for the whole family.

It's also packaged in a compact roll-on amber glass bottle, making it perfect for slipping into handbags and pockets, ensuring you have natural protection at your fingertips wherever you go.

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